Proven hygiene 

Don’t give bacteria a chance
With Miele, your laundry is more than just cleaned – it is hygienically cleaned: more than 99.99 %* of E. coli and S. aureus bacteria are reliably removed in the “Minimum iron 40 °C” programme with the Hygiene plus Extra and in the “Cottons hygiene 60 °C” programme (if available in your model). This efficacy has been confirmed by Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences.
Tested and confirmed by the Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences. Applies to all models in the Minimum iron 40 °C programme with the AllergoWash extra and – if available for the model – in the Cottons hygiene 60 °C programme. A description of the relevant methodology can be found at the following link: Figures as examples for showing the product benefit